This module provides the functionality to create a partner from google map adress with the data provided by Google Maps.
We will not put here all the details of this project also all these features to prevent this documentation from being too long.
For reasons of confidentiality, we do not put the name of the client in relation with this project.
This application was made for one of our clients who is a company that performs the cleaning and repair of buildings. Their odoo system contains the list of its employees. When a customer who is not yet registered in the company database, requests a repair, the Odoo server generates a Lead and then a Ticket. A Tiket is the type of data containing the details of the need [customer, address, description of need, employee who will need it, ...]. To save the new client to the database, this application uses the Gmaps APIs to extract all the information associated with it.
Copy the api key in : Odoo > Configuration > System Parameters > google_maps_api_key .
Create a Lead for your potential customer, then turn it into an opportunity.
Create a ticket from this opportunity.
Go to the created ticket and asign an employee as 'Technician'.
Each employee has access to his tickets from the portal view, which is designed to be easily used from mobile devices.
Click on the ticket for witch you want to create a partner and you will get a new page with some more details and buttons.
Click the button "Add displacement" and you will get to Google Map page.
Once you get to this page you need to write your custumor place or name or adress. When you have started writing, the Gmap APIs ['Maps JavaScript API' and 'Places API'] will help you to automatically complete the address by showing some suggestions. If Google Maps has been able to find the desired customer's address, its location will be marked and a pop-up window containing more information will be displayed, and at the bottom of the page an "Add" button will appear.
Click the button "Add" and it will take the needed information (address,latitude,longitude...) from google map, use it to create a partner and add it as a travel destination for the Ticket.
From the partner form view, under the page "Partner Assignation", you can find the longitude and latitude of his address, and there is also a button to calculate the distance between this partner and any other partner and the duration to cross it.
This fonctionnalitie is based on the "Distance Matrix API" and it's only for partners who have a latitude and a longitude set.