This project is an odoo module that adds an order grid on the website for articles of the same category that have only one type of variant.
In this way, the customer can enter multiple desired quantities for several products on one page and add them to the cart all at the same time.
The default view of the online store (on the website) is a grid of product photos and details.
In the case where the customer wishes to choose a variant of a product, he must go to the product page and choose a variant value and add it to his cart.
If it wishes to buy several variants of the same product, it must access the same product multiple times.
This interface displays many products, with their variations, so that customers can order many products with many variations on the same page.
It displays the image of each product, its description, its price, its different variants with the quantity available for each variant and an input field to specify the quantity to order.
Once the customer has clicked on the "Add to Cart" button, all quantities of products he specified will be automatically added to his cart. Then he finishes his purchase as usual.