Currently, the large mass of digital data has forced researchers to find new solutions to manage them, this problem has given birth to "Big Data".
This is a concept that allows businesses to store data sets that become so large to collect, search, and analyze. The problem is how companies will integrate this phenomenon with their system?
Big Data
Big data, also called megadata, sometimes called massive data, is in fact a set of data that is large and complex and beyond the human capacity to analyze it, and even the traditional computer tools of data management. databases can not process them.
This concept has three known characteristics which are the three Vs.
Volume of huge data. The large variety of data types, the data are heterogeneous, ie there are different types of data: structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. The speed at which the data must be processed.
Other features have been added recently such as Veracity for Reliability and Credibility of Information, Value is about focusing on valuable data.
Big Data impact on ERP
The use of new technologies, for example the internet, has changed the communication between the different actors, between the company and its customers and between the company and its various partners and suppliers.
However, ERP is based on the logic "Inside-Out", that is to say that it is oriented towards the interior of the company. It captures and stores its data and uses it internally with a slight spread to the outside. With the advent of Big Data, this logic is completely reversed, ERP will move from an "Inside-Out" logic to an "Outside-in" logic, the data coming from Big Data will have to be considered in the framework of the company's operations.
This change will bring several improvements to the company. First, it has the power to automate processes, take the example of accounting management that contains a lot of varied information. The Big Data solution helps to moderate the actual costs of implementing the data. Secondly, since data mining is heavy in the majority of management software since the volume of data is enormous, Big Data systems create transparent level nodes of exploitation almost to all current ERP modules in real time this that allows business owners to quickly exploit all ERP features.
Finally, it is known that companies are always looking to use and exploit their internal data. On the other hand, they must be ready for external information despite the bulky mass. With the appearance of Big Data, several difficulties will be neglected as it can be used in different areas.